Friday, June 19, 2009

銀行就像小心謹慎的大老闆, 一定要讓他放心才會借錢

Thursday, June 18, 2009


好 code 淺顯易懂, 讓人一眼就能明白.
壞 code 用了晦澀艱深的語法, 容易出錯.

如果你不知道怎麼樣是好 code , 請參考 linux/kernel , linux/net, linux/init .
文件可以看 linux/Documentation/CodingStyle

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting Involved in Open Source


How to join and render help to the Linux community.
Linux has always been maintained by volunteers. In fact, the ``gift culture'' of the Open Source community has always been one of its strong points. However, the majority of users who would like to contribute do not know how to get involved. This article will discuss aspects of becoming active in the Open Source community and contributing to the Linux kernel and other projects, including my experiences with becoming involved in the Debian project.
The Kernel
The contributors file in /usr/src/linux on my home system is huge. My linux-kernel mailing list folder is always full of mail from people, eagerly discussing the ins and outs of improving this operating system. Many people assume that Linus is the sole author of Linux. Not true, I tell them. Linux is the prime example of the ``benevolent dictator'' model of open-source development. A prospective developer submits code to Linus or one of the few ``lieutenants'' such as Alan Cox. They decide what will go into the kernel.
Another scenario is that certain parts of the kernel, such as the kernel NFS system, have a maintainer. Code is submited to them, and they decide what goes into their part of the kernel. Occasionally, Linus or someone will ask for a person to take over a part of the kernel. If you volunteer, make sure you know the code and can handle the responsibility of maintaining it and accepting patches. Be prepared to handle loads of mail if something breaks. Also, make sure you are on the linux-kernel mailing list.